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Control blind position based on sun azimuth and elevation

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 01.01.1970 um 01:00 (13191)

am 17.09.2019 um 16:42

Currently, it is possible to define the "position" of the blinds based on the sunrise and sunset, but not all the blinds are expected to follow this strategy. Instead, it may be good to have some blinds that get down when the sun is directly impacting them, and this could be calculated based on the sun azimuth and elevation.
Would it be possible to define an action based on the sun position?
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everHome Team

Sebastian (1)

am 17.09.2019 um 20:24


currently this is not possible yet. Thank you for the feedback, those kind of possibilities sound really useful.
Beste Grüße