Individual boxes - without monthly costs
everHome is unique
- including the price
Maximum flexibility with full cost control - there are no hidden costs and no monthly fees. The CloudBox receives free updates during the period of use. You can access your home from anywhere via the app and the portal.
CloudBox BASIC
The uncomplicated entry.
What would you like to have?
An upgrade to PLUS is possible for €80, an upgrade to PREMIUM is possible for €170.
CloudBox PLUS
More usable devices and manufacturers for more possibilities.
What would you like to have?
An upgrade to PREMIUM is possible for €100.
Unlimited devices
and all manufacturers for unlimited possibilities.
What would you like to have?
The everHome app (Android and iOS)
unlimited devices
Choice of 119 Manufacturers with 1479 Products
Voice control with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant
CloudBox Upgrades
Would you like to get even more out of your SmartHome? Each CloudBox can be upgraded to a higher package, even after purchase. In this way, the CloudBox remains just as flexible as your home at all times.
To the upgradesPartner CloudBoxes
In addition to the CloudBox BASIS, PLUS and PREMIUM, you can choose between various partner CloudBoxes with different functional ranges. How many devices would you like to use with everHome? From which manufacturers would you like to use products as sensors and actuators? You can upgrade to the CloudBox PREMIUM at any time from a partner CloudBox.
To our partners